Week two recap

Things are starting to ramp up now as we see a few more mini-projects get off the ground and we begin to find our rhythm in managing the various strands of effort.

If you recall from our week one recap, we had some ambitious targets to achieve this week around kicking off some new initiatives.

3 new blog posts

The most important think about blogging is to do it often and consistently. Most people (me included, historically), start a blog with great intentions and it rapidly fizzles out. You only build an audience (and therefore something to monetize - our ultimate goal, sorry folks) through regular, engaging content. We managed that this week with 4 new posts:

In fact, we have another couple in draft that are pretty much ready to go, so we well and truly exceeded our target of extracting cranial mush and translating it onto (semi) coherent ramblings. Well done to me.

Start a domain renovation project

Our selection is made; the core template is built and ready to go; we have a blog post to launch it all but ready to be published to our adoring fans; and generally Ticky McTickFace is in residence. WAtch this space (well, not specifically this space, but you see where I'm going) early next week for the full gory details.

Strawman of a plan for a non-fiction book

Not only have we begun the book development (it already has a title - Black - spoky and suspenseful, no?) we've even manage to invent a whole theory around how to plan and iterate to deliver a novel! Our plan for world domination may yet take the form of speaking tours and seminars in fictional writing techniques. See here for some details on our literary triumph.

Research around an app or plugin

We've been a little harsh on ourselves here, as despite the angry cross above, we've had a few brainstorming sessions on this topic. A few ideas are festering (is that really a good word - fermenting? evolving maybe?) in our grey matter which we expect to take forward in the next few weeks. Mainly I expect us to concentrate on what we know here - technology and software; media industry; academic research, possibly - but dangling the toe into the world of writing has stoked an interesting thought or two around tooling for authors. Much more to come in this space I foretell.

Something around the house extension, probably a blog

Again, beaucoup progress on this one. Checkout www.therenovationdiaries.com to see our first cautious steps into the world of big budget house renovation. Expect to see much more in this space as it begins to consume our lives (and bank balance).

Anything else?

Why yes, dear fellow. We've taken the plunge and called in some share options to clear a little (OK, maybe slightly more than a little) debt; and we've spent a little time brushing up on our marketing, SEO, and other skills. Expect a post on the wonders of Google Primer anytime soon.

So what next?

Next week, we're hoping to achieve a few things:

  • Continue the good cadence on posting - 3 posts minimum on here (and now we have to support a couple of other sites too).;
  • Finalise, launch and post about the first of our domain renovation projects - Nerd Reading;
  • More progress on the book - would be nice to get through the planning and commit some of the first chapter to dead-tree;
  • We'll be carrying over the work around apps and trying to get that to a concrete plan around wht niche we'll be targetting and what it is we hope to ship;
  • We probably WON'T be launching anything new next week - it's a week for consolidation and consideration rather than spreading ourselves too thin before we've reached a good understanding of our capacity;
  • And of course, as always, we'll be responding to the thousands of comments, questions, requests for interviews, sponsorship and 'instagram influencer' gigs that come about from all the hard work we've put in so far. (I'll be keeping adding that one to the list until it comes true - visualisation is key, right?)

Will we hit our targets; will all our dreams come true; will Bobby escape from the mine and make it to senior prom? Join us next time on Financial Freedom in 199 Easy Steps to find out.

Top Tip

“Every school-age kid should be taught about compounding as soon as they can understand it”

Me wishing he could educate his younger self